The Church Broughton Community Plan (CLP) was published in April 2017. The Plan sets out a vision of how our community wants to develop and identifies the actions needed to achieve it.
Click here to view the Community Plan
The Plan was developed following consultation with the community through public meetings and a questionnaire that was available to all local residents. The Plan was produced by members of our community, for our community. A community plan does not have legal weight, and doesn’t cover planning policy, but it will be used as an action plan, a way of getting organised, raising money and implementing projects that will benefit the community.
Click here to view the summary of the responses to the original 2016 Community Plan Questionnaire.
Working Groups were set up to review and investigate the 9 key topics covering the issues and suggestions raised by members of the Community. The Action Plans setting out what each Working Group planned to do and what they have achieved so far can be found by following the links to each of the Working Groups below:
Over the last 4 – 5 years, a lot of work has been carried out by the Working Groups to evaluate the suggestions and implement appropriate plans where possible. Examples include: starting various activity classes, organising Soup & Pud lunches, organising litter picks, establishing a Village Shop and cafe (The Hub), setting up a Walking Group, preparing a leaflet of local walks, providing advice on planning issues, providing information on how to report highway and litter issues, raising awareness about the issue of dog mess, preparing the Church Broughton Handbook, reviewing internet and mobile phone services, investigating options for village meeting places, organising training in defibrillator use and first aid, supporting the village volunteer driver scheme and, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, setting up a support system for the vulnerable, etc.
2021 Questionnaire
A follow-up Questionnaire was issued in 2021 to collect feedback on what has been done so far and give people the opportunity to make suggestions on what else they would like the CLP to consider.
Click here to view the Summary of Responses to the 2021 CLP Questionnaire.
The results of the Questionnaire and your comments and suggestions have been reviewed by the Working Groups to help decide what should be done next. A summary of the proposed actions was presented at the public meeting on 1st October 2021.
Click here to view the presentation including the summary of proposed actions resulting from the 2021 CLP Questionnaire.
Many good suggestions were made but we need more volunteers to carry the ideas forward. If you are interested in joining the Steering Group or any of the the Working Groups, please get in touch (contact details below).
CLP Steering Group members:
Chairman: John Weil (585342)
Secretary: Julia Williams (585477)
Other members: James Lydon, Yvette Lydon (585481), Paul Vernon (585026),
Dan Pedley (585477)
South Derbyshire District Council Contact: Ian Hey
Rural Action Derbyshire Adviser: Helena Stubbs
To view the CLP documents please click the links below:
CLP Constitution
Church Broughton Constitution 2016
CLP Safeguarding Information
Safeguarding Policy (March 2022)
Safeguarding Information Sheet (3 August 2022)
Safeguarding leaflets
Safeguarding Children: Identifying abuse and what you should do
Derbyshire County Council: Keeping Adults Safe
Actions and notes from CLP Steering Group meetings: