Church Broughton is one of 31 Parish Councils in South Derbyshire. The two maps below show where its boundaries lie and the area that it covers.

The exact area can be studied further using the following link :
General background
Parish councils are the first tier of local government and are the closest to the community they serve. They play an important role in maintaining and improving local services and facilities, supporting voluntary organisations and influencing and lobbying on local development. Funds needed to support their activities are raised by adding an extra cost known as a precept to each householder’s Council Tax bill. Parish councillors are not paid and have to abide by a local government code of conduct and declare their financial interests in the parish. Councillors must also declare a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter under discussion at a parish council meeting. If a parish has less than 150 electors it has a parish meeting instead of a parish council.
While some small parishes appoint an unpaid volunteer as Clerk, most councils (including Church Broughton) employ a salaried Clerk whose overall responsibility is to carry out the policy decisions of the Council. The Clerk is the head of the council’s administration and is the ‘Proper Officer’. He or she is often the only employee and therefore also acts as the Responsible Financial Officer. The Clerk ensures that the business of the council runs smoothly and efficiently and is conducted in accordance with the law. He or she also ensures that the council’s financial transactions are properly authorised and recorded.
A local council must hold an annual meeting each year. In addition to the annual meeting, a local council in England must hold at least three other meetings each year. Meetings of a local council may take place within or outside its area. They cannot be held in premises licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquor unless there is no other suitable room available either free of charge or at a reasonable cost. Public notice of meetings has to be given (at least three clear days for Council Meetings). In addition, every member of the council is entitled to receive a summons specifying the business to be transacted at a council meeting. Only specific business included in the summons should be transacted at a council meeting. There are statutory provisions dealing with aspects of meetings, for example, quorum, manner of voting, and the recording of minutes. The public, including the press, are entitled to attend parish meetings under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960. Our Parish Council meets on the the first Thursday of every month apart from August – members of the Parish are welcome and encouraged to attend. Our Annual Meeting of the Parish is not a Council meeting, but one for the public to have an opportunity to talk on any topic which the Council may be able to assist with.
The Parish Council’s main areas of interest
Parish Councils have a number of powers and duties, a number of which are statutory powers granted by acts of parliament. The full range of activities that a Parish Council can be involved with can be found using the following link :
The Church Broughton Parish Council isn’t involved in all these areas. There are no Public Baths, Swimming pools, or Cycle Parks in the area, for example. The council’s primary activity areas are currently (in alphabetical order) :
- Cemetery maintenance – Mowing the grass
- Community Centre/Village Hall
- Dog fouling
- Drainage
- Environmental Improvement and Maintenance – Planting trees in open spaces and hedge cutting in public spaces.
- Financial support for the Village Park, village flower tubs and village defibrillator.
- Highways
- Litter and Litter bins
- Planning
- Rights of Way, Footpaths and Bridleways. This includes keeping rights of way open and accessible and maintenance such as salt gritting of footpaths within the village in winter.
- Supporting local volunteers
- Traffic signs
In the near future this website will be expanded to provide further information in each of these areas. The council’s work in the area of “Community Centre/Village Hall” is covered under the Methodist Chapel Project section of this website.
Contact Details for the Church Broughton Parish Council
Telephone number | |
Dan Pedley – Chairman | 01283 585477 |
Danny Redfern | 01283 730283 |
Bill Speake | 01283 585861 |
John Thorpe | 01283 585146 |
David Warriner | 07743 244690 |
Kizia Woodhall | 01283 585679 |
Helena Steeples (Clerk) | 01283 733322 |
If you have any comments on this website and its contents, or simply want to contact the Parish Council then please use the following link to get in touch : admin@churchbroughtonpc.org.uk